"You're a boring old man"
Why does it matter? Generally it means the same thing to me, some people just use different words for it.
With Morenz, he wasn't necessarily the best at any one particular skill. However, he was exceptionally good at all of them. As a complete package, there are few better.
His speed/skating was elite, best of the era. No question about that. I certainly agree he was the most well rounded player of the late 20's/early 30's although I find his defense to be overrated, especially if people say it was elite. 7-8 different newspaper clippings and a few quotes from an entire era doesn't do it for me. Study a guy like Frank Nighbor and you could write a novel about his defensive abilities alone. Frank Boucher is another guy I think of more highly (defensively) when studying their careers. Same with Hooley Smith.
My contention of over value in regards to Morenz has to do with the level at which he supposedly destroyed everyone else in the NHL and left all challengers in the dust. I don't have a problem calling Morenz a GREAT player. Hell, if people want to put him in the top 15, fine. I disagree, but it's at least worth debating. As I said before, I have Howie just outside my top 20.
You mentioned peak over prime earlier as well.
I've evolved in my assessments of players, like most do, over the years. I've come to appreciate players who dominated or played close to that level for a long time over players who drop off outside a 5 year peak, unless the shorter peak is something truly remarkable like Bobby Orr or to a lesser degree Guy Lafleur.
I rank somebody like Messier higher than most because, while he didn't have as many Hart's as a few others in his range, or scoring titles, he was so good for so many years, and absolutely dominated in the postseason for a long time that it's hard for me to ignore. There is just so much more to look at and appreciate. Especially in an extremely physical sport.
I understand better now while players like Gretzky, Orr, and Lemieux have all recently said Gordie Howe was the greatest hockey player of all time, even if most of us have him 3rd (a few put him 2nd). Not only was a player like Howe's peak incredible, he dominated the game of hockey for such an extended period of time it just makes your jaw drop, because it IS so rare to see.