I think Doug Harvey is the best building-block in the ATD from a meta-game perspective.Bobby Orr comes with an implied constraint to build an offensive team or build a 1st line as a function of himself, whereas Harvey leaves you the maximum amount of freedom going forward.Wayne Gretzky and Mario Lemieux are harder to build around.Gordie Howe is easy to build around, but your #1 D pick in the 2nd/3rd round will be bad value, whereas it's much easier to steal a forward (or two) in the 2nd/3rd round at good value, which is what you usually do if you have Harvey.The same is true for Ray Bourque to a (slightly) lesser degree.
With Harvey and Bourque, you will have the best #1 D everytime except if you face each other or face Orr.But hopefully, if you do face Orr, you capitalized on that extra freedom to build a better overall team.Ironically, I just recalled that I won with Bourque in 2013 (and Harvey in 2017), so maybe I'm just biased.
I don't think this applies to Lidstrom, Shore and Potvin.I'd take Gretzky ahead of them for example.But if you put a gun to my head and tell me you're going to shoot me if I lose, then taking Harvey at 1st overall is not a bad way to go, except for the negative attention it would bring to your strategy.This is why picking Harvey at 5th is the best (likely to happen) initial position any GM could hope for, which is what I was lucky enough to have this year.