The same people defending this dude despite his prior records (which are factual) are the same that would want Tony DeAngelo imprisoned for life for his prior records (most are not factual).
I think too a lot of it is because hockey has had this obsession for race for years now, so there's no way this guy could be guilty or wrong.
As someone who looks more like the "suspect" than "victim in this case", it's one of the things that came to mind to me. I've dealt with it in beer league where people seem to want to be nicer or overly welcoming to show how "inclusive" they are. It's all just disingenuous.
I've been involved in on ice injuries with the skate before, so I understand it's not totally impossible. Just this season my defender and other teams forward crashed into the net and my defender got a decent cut on his cheek from. I had my skates up and it happened so fast.
From several views of this incident I'm leaning towards it looking like that second pump where he pushed the leg out. I don't think, or would hope not, that it was aiming at the throat. That was likely an unintended consequence, but it seemed he forced something there.
Unfortunately we'll never really know, because he's the only one who knows in his heart what happened. But my incident in beer league is with amateur players, guys at this level should be a bit better about controlling their body.