Zucc read a story to his younger players last night and told them to get a good rest for the big day, today. He's really embracing his role as a mentor to his younger teammates and feels like he is finally appreciated.
This morning he woke up and made himself an omelette and had some chocolate Ovaltine to wash it down. Zucc thinks it tastes better than protein shakes, and he loves watching the sun rise over the ranch he is renting this spring. Texas is really growing on him.
This morning he stood in his closet for 15 minutes and couldn't decide which shirt he wanted to wear to the rink. His red shirt, with the Scrooge McDuck iron-on graphic, has always been a source of good luck for him. He noticed a tiny hole under the right armpit, but he was able to stitch that up without too much trouble. You know, he learned to sew back home, and he finds it's an excellent stress relief.
When Dallas wins tonight, Zucc is going to take everyone out to the local Outback Steakhouse and order a half-dozen Bloomin' Onions. That's his favorite post-game meal with Benny (his nickname for Jamie Benn).
Zucc has been feeling happy lately and is smiling more than he has in a long time. This year took a lot out of him and hopefully this playoff series will bring enough joy that he can stop seeing a counselor for his Post-trade deadline anxiety, or PTDLPTSD as his close friend Hank calls it. They talk every other day on the phone and exchange several text message each day. Zucc's favorite thing to do is send Hank a poop emoji dressed in an Islanders jersey.
It makes him laugh. I laugh when he laughs and then we're both laughing together.