That was beautiful, I don't have any children, but can totally imagine that I understand that special kind of love.
It's really hard.
When my 2nd daughter, who just turned 1 month old, was about 30 weeks in utero, they discovered fluid building up in her lungs and's a condition called hydrops, which in some instances has a 90% fatality rate (ours wasn't as severe). She was also growth restricted so there were a few problems. When we first heard about it I remember being in shock, and then melting down and crying like a baby when I took a shower that night thinking she was going to die.
Words can't express it. We lost a child with our first pregnancy but that one was only 8 weeks along and had genetic abnormalities...I could live with it. This one has no known issues..they didn't know why it was happening (and never could figure it out).
We had to go to ultrasounds 2 to 3 times a week. They told us she would be born in the NICU and probably stay there for a minimum of 3 months.
About 4 weeks before she was due we went in for our ultrasound...and the tech started to look real confused...and then she started consulting paperwork and couldn't understand what was going on..she hurried out the room and my wife and I really started to panic. The doctor came in and did the ultrasound herself.
The fluid was almost completely gone, in a span of 3 days from the previous ultrasound
No rhyme, no reason. Just gone.
We still had multiple trasounds a week but it stayed the same, fluid was almost compteyl gone, and what littlefluid was there was considered normal.
Baby was born, spent 2 days in the NICU for precautions, and we were released 4 days after she was born.
I'm not a religious person, I'm actually an athiest...but when stuff like this happens...well...
Anyways, I just wanted to say that even if the child isn't born...even if you haven't met them..this kind of news can be devastating. You really have no way of understanding till you go through it.
I feel for e.k...and for ek65 who had something similar happen.