I'm definitely worried about the quality of data we'll have access to down the road. CapFriendly happened to also have the best user interface - but I have a fairly high degree of tolerance for clunky or annoying interfaces (heck, I have 14,000 posts HERE!)
Since I haven't looked at other Cap sites in the last decade or so, I'm not sure who breaks what first, or to what extent they have mostly just been riding CapFriendly's coattails. I also don't follow any "insider" type posts on social media. So I don't REALLY have a sense of how much of CapFriendly's data is truly available in the public domain, vs how much of it they have had a unique ability to source through non-public contacts (e.g. agents, central registry contacts, NHL front office workers, etc). I tend to think of them being uniquely positioned in that networking, however. Maybe I'm wrong. But if we do lose some of that access to info, that would be the most painful part. Hopefully they have some key employees who can jump ship to the successor website with the "little black book" in tow.