I understand the human factor. We all have our reasons for hating a certain team. Anyone who hates the Jets fans, I guess it's no different from my not being impressed by Penguins fans, or Habs or Leafs fans.
When it comes to Cheveldayoff, I am not trying to nominate for Builder in the HHOF, but I have read here on HFNYR that he did nothing, and just stepped into the job and voila, instant ascension in the standings just by showing up.
If a GM is at the helm when so many players are drafted, and those players prove to be good NHL players that make the roster and prove themselves, anybody stating that that GM deserves no credit is simply wrong. I would not know what forms their bias, but I am just pointing it out.
Sure, every team's supporters hurl criticism at their FO until things get good. They will resume hurling rocks again when things get shady again. That's just human nature born of emotion and not necessarily tied to logic and fact.