Reprehensible User
Maybe I'm just on xitter too much, where there are a bunch of toxic asses saying he's been replaced by a body double because he's recovered and is speaking normally again (well, as normally as a Senator who uses phrases like "circlejerk" and "grabbing the hog" in interviews can be). He'd do just fine calling a sporting event now, or as fine as any layman would. It would likely require bleeping, though.Would you want that guy to make the calls during a fast moving sporting event?
The answer is no, dont be so butt hurt
He's also been dressing funny lately, or should I not make fun if that because he had a stroke?
As for attire, he's always dressed like a yinzer, even as Lieutenant Governor. I'm pretty sure that he bought his first suit after the election. Part of why working class PA likes him so much.