Bedard through about 5-10 slashes during that game. I'm all for the kid doing well, but the way Hawks fans and the media are playing this up is insane. I saw some quotes from Hawks fans saying Manson and the Avs should be sent to Kyiv and or Gaza to be uh... not sure how to put it. I'm not saying these were as bad as what Manson through, but it was impossible to not watch the kid. His title plate was a lower third that took up 15% of the screen the entire game.Perhaps if Bedard wasn't trying to do the same things to Avs players, it wouldn't have happened?
Josh Manson is very deliberate in his physical play. He doesn't just start slashing guys in the hands randomly.
Bedard's lesson isn't to play through it. It's to stop trying to play agitator as a star.
That's a special breed of f***ed up. Watch that franchise get another 1 OA cuz NHL.
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