Blake Out of Hell III: Back in to Hell
Because everyone saw it coming and he was a repeat offender--see?
Sure. Just like I'd be fine if this firestorm regarding Wilson was for his calling card headshot and not a "whatever" type of incident.
FWIW lot of enforcers seem to be coming out against Wilson's actions, too. I mean take it with a grain of salt for obvious reasons but man, John Scott went off, Laraque, etc.
I dunno man maybe I'm naive.
Grain of salt for sure because, you know, it's easy to join the mob and get some play plus older players always drop the "more respect in my day" thing. Of course, John Scott tried to fight Kessel in a pre-season game so not exactly a gentleman himself.
Dustin Brown would have a lot more respect league wide if he stood up to the consequences of his hits instead of avoiding them. His reputation was/is as a borderline dirty hitter who turtles from the reaction. He was coming in right after an era of really tough, hard hitting skilled power forwards who would always stand up for themselves and teammates when challenged. Brown never did that, he would skate away with that Urkle "did I do that" look on his face.
If he did drop them he would have been feared and respected. Instead he would do something vicious and go and hide. Players that took the kind of liberties he did used to have to take the receipt for their actions. Fans hated him for it. Brown was very much a part of the sea change from the old school NHL to the newer, nicer, league that forced the DoPS to step in.
Hell, I still don't respect him. Drives me crazy when people mention him and Dave Taylor in the same sentence.
I'd hate Dustin Brown if he wasn't a King and it always bummed me out that he would nearly always run away. Kirk Maltby is maybe my least favorite player of all time and it was because he would hit, hide behind his visor and keep his gloves cemented on. Lapperriere was a guy that was kind of hit-and-run and a spot picker. It finally clicked for him and he changed his game and is now thought of as one of the last real warrior types.
Brown to me has always been a reckless hitter moreso than intentionally dirty.
This is exactly what I'm talking about and it isn't an insult to you. Brown is a reckless hitter on HF Kings. Well, so is Wilson on HF Caps but both of these guys are intentionally dirty everywhere else.