In regards to Milbury I think there is a key argument being missed on the right. The arguments put forth by the members of the right on this board have three key arguemnts which I have listed below.
1. Inconsistent double standards (Herby, post 1695; BigKing, post 1715)
2. The statment is accurate (psych3man, post 1702; KINGS17, post 1705)
3. The point is generally understood by the populace (Herby, post 1695)
The left members of this board are able to effectively argue each of these points on an individual basis with the following arguments, respectively.
1. The double standard is irrelevant. What other organizations do shouldn't drive the argument if the fundamental position is correct. (Raccoon Jesus, posts 1712 & 1716)
2. There is a standard which already exists that says those types of comments are unacceptable. And because society has moved far enough in this direction, the league is actively pursing that decision.Because the leauge seems to have every intent to pursue their agenda, the accuracy of the statement is irrelevent. (Telos, post 1703; Raccoon Jesus, post 1712)
3. Regardless of whether or not people feel a way about any idea the goal of the league is to pursue a landscape where these ideas aren't normative as their very existence causes problems. (Raccoon Jesus, posts 1707 & 1712)
Further, the left makes an additional fair point that Milbury is a moron who deserves it because he is a moron. (Let me be very clear that I would use MUCH harsher language to describe Milbury. I strongly feel that his hockey strategy is outdated and I am sincerely disappointed when I have to listen to his nonsense.)
Before I get into my argument please allow me to say two more things. First that I have enormous respect for all the posters in this discussion. I have been reading all of you for quite some time. (I got Herby confused with Tikkanen for the longest time. I remember when Telos took over for Tony SCV as mod. Raccoon Jesus' opinions on the Kings are most closely aligned with my own. There is a non-insignifcant part of me that enjoys the fighting and enforcement in hockey that BigKing so fervently endorses. Sorry psych3man ... I don't know you very well.) Second, that if I mis-represented any of anyone's points please let me know and I will be happy to edit this post.
The fact that each argument taken individually on the left fairly rebuts the arguments on the right is irrelevant. It is irrelevant because the hypothetically correct ideal they are pursuing hasn't been confirmed as "better". Let me explain. The entire argument of the left is that the movement of society over the past several years is a good one regardless of any effects it may have. Pursuing kindness and politeness at all costs, taking out any and all offensive language/imagery from society, the assertion that any and all inequality is the result of ingrained societal teachings, etc. is at best a hopeful endeavor without fully considering the consequences of what may occur. Making the argument that Milbury saying women are a distraction encourages exclusion and because of that it should not be allowed has _not_ been verified as true. It is an as of yet unproven theory that this betters society. It is fair that you should be kind to people. It is fair that no one should be unfairly excluded from groups. I have yet to see anyone say that when they heard Milbury make his comments that they decided they shouldn't watch hockey. What I have seen is people argue that because he made those comments someone could potentially have been offended by the comment or choose to not watch hockey. Let's be honest here ... this is a group of 20 to 29 year old men with money to burn, who regularly get hammered after games, who have large groups of women pursuing them. Is it possible that a woman could potentially become a distraction in this situation? Absolutely. Does describing that situation exclude people? If so, how?
Also, as much as I can't stand Milbury, he is a person who played hockey at a professional level, coached hockey at a professional level, and gm'ed hockey at a professional level. He absolutely has an understanding of what hockey players go through. I would also argue that Milbury was actively checking himself in this statement. It is a faux pas to mention sexual conduct in polite society. He was actively skirting the issue. I am sure that everyone who listened to what he said understood that what he _meant_ was that there were no women being problems sexually. And becuase of my prior comment he is absolutely aware of what hockey players go through. Why is his interpretation of what hockey players go through invalid? If people who listen to it agree with it and understand it, why is their understanding considered offensive? If the potential interpration of his understanding could cause offense, why can't telling him his interpretation is incorrect cause him offense? What is the scope of offense one needs to understand in order to define whether or not what someone says is correct or not?
The final point I would like to make is that Milbury's crap analysis is the very reason why we need to defend him. When you disagree with something ideologically it is important that you defend the people who you don't like.
I realize this is going to cause a lot of comments. I would be willing to take any comments off line.
(I have been writing this for three hours and am now drunk. Also, my wife who proofread is also drunk at this point.)
I appreciate your thoughtfulness in your post. The fact that anyone remembers me as a mod is humbling. I was brief in my arguments on this board because I don't want to alienate or light up anyone here. We are all reverent siblings under the same banner and all rooting for the same thing. I respect and welcome the differing opinions on this board, especially those I don't agree with. For example, I haven't agreed with Herby much over the years (although I have a lot more in the most recent few), but I enjoy his posts and perspective, I relished our debates over Mike Richards back in the day, and if he stopped posting I would consider it a great loss to our board.
Most of my posts on the subject were on the mainboard, but I would just say that it is merely a base question of empathy and decency. It has little to do about evolution, the attraction of genders, and the various activities we do that make us human. This has nothing to do with white knighting or pushing left or right values. It has everything to do with the fact that this pathetic excuse of a broadcast is all this sport has of showing itself to the world, and for better or worse, Mike Milbury was an ambassador of the game whose job was showing and communicating this sport to everyone around the world. The women of Team USA and Team Canada are watching this broadcast, and their daughters, and every other woman that aspires to be linked to this sport in some way or just out of pure love of watching the sport. To say to them on the international NBC Stanley Cup broadcast that it is good that women aren't around the players because they'd be a distraction is just purely ignorant and offputting to both genders involved. I am not saying that these young men can't get into trouble, but to insinuate that they are missing shots out there because of women is laughable.
Imagine the reverse and being told your very presence around the people involved with the sport you love is a distraction and your absence from it is a good thing. It is just plain f***ing dumb. To say that these elite athletes would have a hard time playing in the Stanley Cup playoffs is just silly. Regardless if they were involved with anyone recently in any which way, they are still professionals that are expected to do a job like anyone else.
There are women in the game, women can be players in the NHL, they can be owners, managers, coaches, employees of the organizations, or league executives, referees/officials, broadcasters, journalists, on-ice analysts, you name it... To insinuate that their lack of contact with the players is a good thing and that their absence makes it any easier for them to be professionals and do their jobs and play for their dream of winning the Stanley Cup is ludicrous. Of all the postgame interviews I've heard of "I would have hit top corner and won the game if it weren't for the brunette staring at me in row 11, seat 12"... It is literally schoolyard horseshit.
I would defend his right to say his idiotic joke to his friends, under proper context, in the locker room or in private, but it doesn't belong on the international playoff broadcast in front of millions of men and women of all ages. While I am going to skirt by your philosophical argument that being nice or kind doesn't improve society (as my college background is in philosophy and I'd rather not write a dissertation on the subject back and forth), I do believe that we aren't going as far as the maxim of "pursuing kindness and politeness at all costs" to just have enough decency and empathy not to tell all the millions of viewers, especially future women of the sport, that they are a distraction to the players and they play their best hockey without women around.
Nobody is saying this is the most egregious thing ever said or even the most egregious thing Mike Milbury has said, but I am baffled by the droves of posters that are rushing to defend him saying it to literally everyone during a live broadcast during the most important time for our sport. That is why I say that people who are arguing that this is a nothing comment are crazy because he is literally saying it to everyone in the world watching our sport during the highest ratings of the year, not a locker room full of dudes that can give their Beavis and Butthead chuckles. The bottom line is if you let him get away with telling any and all interested in this sport that stupid joke, what precedent does it set and what jokes are to follow?