Raccoon Jesus
We were right there
If I told you we could have a 4th liner score 25 point pace, wins most of his faceoffs, has some of the best possession stats on the team despite having the hardest assignments, most of you would be excited.
Disassociate the name with the results and you have the perfect 4th liner and, as Rosen points out, with more potential upside. Try not burying him and see what happens, surprised VGK didn't go for him.
Anyway was just pointing out a former King getting lots of interest for his actual abilities. Being boring in that role regardless of linemates is a skill given most 4th liners get run over with respect to flow of play.
Disassociate the name with the results and you have the perfect 4th liner and, as Rosen points out, with more potential upside. Try not burying him and see what happens, surprised VGK didn't go for him.
Anyway was just pointing out a former King getting lots of interest for his actual abilities. Being boring in that role regardless of linemates is a skill given most 4th liners get run over with respect to flow of play.