Are the Toronto Maple Leafs Stanley Cup contenders?

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Registered User
Dec 18, 2010
Matthews literally just stood behind McDavid passively and provided a perfect screen on the goal.
If he played that correctly he would have been been physically engaged with McDavid and at least trying to get him away from the front of the net. I'm not saying AM is a bad defensive player, because I think he is a bit above average for forwards, but on this play there was no effort.

McDavid’s stick is literally in the air as the shot goes towards the net because he had to spin around to get it free from Matthews.

If AM goes towards McDavid, he basically guarantees Jones will not see the shot. Matthews appears to have gotten out of Jones way so he can see the shot but Jones was happy to be staring at McDavid’s ass. Jones made no effort to look past the screen and it’s probably why he’s a career backup. Jones couldn’t have played it any worse if he tried to.

Martin Jones is 6’5 but he makes no effort to look past McDavid. It was a bad goal on his part also. I don’t think it’s reasonable to expect Matthews to assume Jones is making himself as possible and absolutely 0 effort to look past a shorter player.


"Wanna go, Prettyboy?"
Sep 17, 2003
Toronto, Ontario
It’s crazy how insightful Leafs fans were on Oilers woes early in the season in our threads, wonder where that insightfulness is now regarding their own team

There is a handful of Leaf fans here that have been burned so many times for talking trash way too early that they look like Freddy Krueger, but they never, ever learn.

Remember just last year when someone posted a victory lap thread about Matt Murray? That shit was hilarious.


Registered User
Feb 22, 2014
My fav is that everyone keeps saying the Oilers can't defend and are a 1 man team. Some of the people saying it are fans of the 5 leafs in a 'C' formation nowhere near anyone on the opposite

I loved the quadruple man coverage.....leading to Ryan's goal :)


Sasha Orlov

Lord of the Manor
Jun 22, 2018
McDavid’s stick is literally in the air as the shot goes towards the net because he had to spin around to get it free from Matthews.

If AM goes towards McDavid, he basically guarantees Jones will not see the shot. Matthews appears to have gotten out of Jones way so he can see the shot but Jones was happy to be staring at McDavid’s ass. Jones made no effort to look past the screen and it’s probably why he’s a career backup. Jones couldn’t have played it any worse if he tried to.
Do you have a wheel of excuses that you spin before every post or what


Registered User
Apr 18, 2019
Martin Jones has played relatively well for them this year since getting the call. Though he let in a stinker last night on the game winner. But the Leafs run with Woll in the playoffs.

This is Keefes last straw. If he doesn't get this team to the ECF at the minimum, he's gone in the summer. He's not particularly a great coach in the playoffs.


Češi do toho!
Apr 15, 2018
I loved the quadruple man coverage.....leading to Ryan's goal :)

View attachment 805077
The schadenfreud is hillarious from the sequences last night. This is seriously the fanbase saying we can't defend? They may even have a point but glass houses and stones don't

Not one power play goal
Only 1 assist for McDavid
Goals from McLeod and Ryan
Kept our opponents to 2 (averaging less than 2 GA in this 11 game streak)

PP merchants my ass!lol


Registered User
Feb 22, 2014
Martin Jones has played relatively well for them this year since getting the call. Though he let in a stinker last night on the game winner. But the Leafs run with Woll in the playoffs.

This is Keefes last straw. If he doesn't get this team to the ECF at the minimum, he's gone in the summer.

That was not on him......hell, Matthews even leaned back to create the lane for it ;) Can't always stop what you can't see....especially when the guys in front of you leave this hole.

Thanks again, Auston :)



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Registered User
Dec 18, 2010
That was not on him......hell, Matthews even leaned back to create the lane for it ;) Can't always stop what you can't see....especially when the guys in front of you leave this hole.

Thanks again, Auston :)

View attachment 805083

I wish Matthews knew Jones wasn’t covering any part of the net that was available so he could have played goalie instead.


Registered User
Apr 18, 2019
That was not on him......hell, Matthews even leaned back to create the lane for it ;) Can't always stop what you can't see....especially when the guys in front of you leave this hole.

Thanks again, Auston :)

View attachment 805083

Bad defensive coverage by the Leafs with two players on the other side of the net. Jones still went down too early IMO. If he was up, he likely makes the save.


Registered User
Sep 29, 2017
You might want to check the standings, they are a few pts away from being out of them. The eastern teams are making a push to catch them. I see them in a wild card spot soon and maybe out of that, depending on this next round of better teams they are playing.

I'm aware.

I have the same mentality as I did when people were laughing at Edmonton earlier in the year. They will do what it takes to turn it around and ensure that they don't miss the playoffs.
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Češi do toho!
Apr 15, 2018
That was not on him......hell, Matthews even leaned back to create the lane for it ;) Can't always stop what you can't see....especially when the guys in front of you leave this hole.

Thanks again, Auston :)

View attachment 805083
No way the Oiler's can win until McDrai start blocking shots, leading by example and playing D.


let's see...

No way the Leaf's can win until Mattews starts blocking shots, leading by example and playing D

remember, the key is always to play Hart Trophy winners and candidates for
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Češi do toho!
Apr 15, 2018
I'm aware.

I have the same mentality as I did when people were laughing at Edmonton earlier in the year. They will do what it takes to turn it around and ensure that they don't miss the playoffs.
Totally agree.. I would be in shock if Leafs didn't make the playoffs.


Registered User
Dec 18, 2010
Bad defensive coverage by the Leafs with two players on the other side of the net. Jones still went down too early IMO. If he was up, he likely makes the save.

Yeah, no idea what Jones was doing.

2 of the 3 goals he allowed were bad. Well actually, 3 of the 4 goals he allowed were bad but luckily Hyman was too dumb to clear the zone forcing himself offside for no reason.

Vukotal Recall

Registered User
Jan 30, 2010
The best part about the Leafs is that they are one of the least injury-stricken teams in the league. The only injured Leafs are scrubs, beneficial Robidas Island residents and a backup goalie who has barely played in the league who is expected to be the second coming of Hasek by Leafs fans. As bad as they are -- and they are baaaaad -- this is as good as they are gonna get with atrocious depth and almost no trade chips of any worth. Any injuries to Matthews, Reilly etc. will only add to the hilarity.


Registered User
Dec 18, 2010
The best part about the Leafs is that they are one of the least injury-stricken teams in the league. The only injured Leafs are scrubs, beneficial Robidas Island residents and a backup goalie who has barely played in the league who is expected to be the second coming of Hasek by Leafs fans. As bad as they are -- and they are baaaaad -- this is as good as they are gonna get with atrocious depth and almost no trade chips of any worth. Any injuries to Matthews, Reilly etc. will only add to the hilarity.

Their starting goaltender is injured, Samsonov is having mental issues which is forcing them to play their third string goaltender.

Edmonton is the least injured team.
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