Still think he can be productive, but have not seen a single skill from him that screams #1 pick, like, at all. Usually there are some flashes here and there, but nothing of that sort has emerged yet.
Does he have a great shot? No. Is he a great passer? No? Does he seem to have advanced vision, ability to see the game in ways most can't? No. Is he a great skater? No. Does he have a great motor? No. Is he great stick handler? No. Dekes? No. Physical? No. Great around the boards? No. Great around the net? No. Possession? No. Defensively? No.
I don't know what he's supposed to be or what he can one day be great at.
It's one thing to be the #1 pick in a weak year (which might be the case), but he was hyped to be much more than that! There were articles of "best since McDavid" at one point, and I just don't understand how that was ever the case seeing his game so far.
Yes, I am being hard on him. I am not giving up on him, it's early, last year was atypical, but it just really does not look good, the goal post of his expectations are already being moved.