Since there is so quite here I thought I'd try to make an adjustment of Barkov's SM-liiga stats to represent what kind of production he could have had in a Canadian junior league. The only way for doing it was use of league equivalency numbers. Since I like using the work of others to make life easy I took the numbers from here: So basically what I did was to calculate the ratio of league equivalencies and VOILA multiplying by PPG production I got the Junior production value for Barkov. But then I noticed in that article there was a section of 17 year old production vs 18 years old production in Canadian junior vs the peak NHL production (NHLPPG*2=JuniorPPG(18) and NHLPPG*1.33=JuniorPPG(17)).
Now, I know these numbers aren't thoroughly thought through, so there might be HUGE errors in the high end of the prospects both from Canadian junior and FEL when trying to use the league equivalencies as a parameter. But before you complitely dismiss it, check out the numbers from that article for yourself. You'll notice there definitely is something there.
But anyway here I go.
Barkov PPG FEL 17yo (0.91)
MacKinnon PPG QMJHL 17yo (1.705)
Canadian junior league equivalency (~0.29)
FEL equivalency (~0.54)
"A 17-year-old player with 2 PPG in Junior can expect, on average,
to score 1.5 PPG in the NHL at age 22, while an 18-year-old Junior
doing the same thing has an NHL projection of 1.0 PPG"
So the peak production in NHL is on average 0.75 times the 17yo season production in Canadian Junior. Now, to compare the two, we have to make the bold assumption that this development would be the same for Europeans. So we use league equivalency numbers to adjust Barkov's stats to represent Canadian junior stats:
Barkov in Canadian junior
So now, how will their offensive prime year production look like:
MacKinnon 1.279PPG (105 points over an 82 game season)
Barkov 1.271PPG (104 points over a season)
EDIT: had to check it for Drouin also:
Interpolating with Drouin's half a year difference in birth date:
Drouin 1.34PPG (110 points over a season)
If this happens this sure is the best draft ever no