Abbotsford Canucks | Season Starting

Blue and Green

Out to lunch
Dec 17, 2017
First star: Tolopilo by a mile. Colorado's goalie was solid but not as good.

I thought tonight was Pettersson's best game so far. Solid defensively and looked more comfortable with the puck. Conversely, thought it was Kudryavtsev's weakest game, too many passes/clearances onto Colorado's sticks although he wasn't terrible.

None of the forwards had eyecatching games.


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Feb 13, 2003
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Bad when probably your best offensive player is Neilsen.

Tolopilo was 1st, 2nd and 3rd star in this game. Both teams took turns being awful and, in both cases, getting out their zones, was a wild adventure. Trunover after turnover

Of the Canucks:

Thought Pettersson was the best of the young d-men. Did not seem out of place and was more mobile than he previously showed.

Kudryavstev had a good first but then seemed to disappear.

Woo was given plenty of game time (maybe trying to move him) and was decent. However, there is just not enough smoothness in his play. Never showed much control over the play which he must if he can be considered for a callup.

Brisebois - was best overall d-man. Maybe a consideration for the Canucks on a limited basis

Hirose - don't see how he is a consideration. Has to an be outstanding skater to overcome size, etc.. but he isn't

McWard - some glitches but was generally solid. Good skater and did hit some stretch passes. Still needs to play his blue line better.

Klimo - just not happening. Way too individual and can't read play.

Blais - can see the pedigree but at times too casual. If he could up the intensity would be consideration for Vancouver. Really the closest to NHL standard when he bares down.

Mueller - can't handle puck well enough. Thought he had a real tough night in his zone.

Kambeitz - good on the PK and positionally sound

Twarynski - never got much done. Provided some size but that seemed all.

Raty - played a ton and got better as the game moved on. Giving it what he's got

Karlsson - did little all game. If he isn't scoring, he's of little use. Got very awkward at times. Write off as far as the NHL is concerned

Sasson - overall the best forward. Always seemed the most likely to create something offensively

Stevens - useless waste of a vet position. Buddy of Johnson so isn't going anywhere. Average ECHL player in reality.

Thought the most promising thing, in this game was play of Pettersson and Tolopilo.

Otherwise, it's disappointing that some of our so called major prospect can't dominate more at this level. There is always the talk that Abby is doing a great job of development. However, that seems more lip service than anything else. In truth, no one has come up and shown much over the last couple of years. You can legitmately say that no one has emerged from the minor league club to improve Vancouver in any major way. Maybe Hoglander but he wasn't there very long and most of his development seem to have happened with the big club.

Tables of Stats

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Nov 1, 2011
Vancouver, BC
I didn't watch closely enough to make reports on individual players, but I will say that the game was very choppy and had little flow. Neither team seemed able to get clean breaks through the neutral zone and even on the PP both teams often looked in over their heads just making simple passes to get a clean shot away. I'll need to watch more to see if this was just an off day for the AHL team or if we're in tough to play a simple clean game.
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Jul 11, 2014
Is Tolopilo getting enough love from the Canucks? He just looks so huge and composed in the net, and moves so well down low for such big man.

He actually 'outplayed' Silovs in Abbotsford last season. And tonight he was toying with those Colorado shooters in the shoot-out. As others have observed--he was the first, second and third star tonight.


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Jun 30, 2005
Abbotsford/Colorado is underway.

No Lekkerimaki. The D is unchanged. Brisebois and McWard are the pairing to start the game. Patera has the net
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Feb 13, 2003
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@orcatown are the shot totals reflective of the lack of skill in this lineup or is it just how this game is going?
Sorry but I didn't watch enough to have much of an opinion.

Last night's score could easily have been worse than this game if not for Tolopilo so don't think team is off to a very good start. Lots and lots of defensive breakdowns.
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Blue and Green

Out to lunch
Dec 17, 2017
Tonight's game ended 6-1 for Colorado. Abbotsford was outplayed for most of the game but was hanging in at 2-1 until the final eight minutes. No aspect of the team was strong tonight but I thought the forwards were the biggest problem. Generated little and did some bad chasing around to leave Colorado players all alone to score the second and fourth Eagles' goals.


Sasson, jeez. Ate a -5, missed a glorious opportunity to score with the goalie down, got a beautiful blue line to blue line pass from Kudryavstev to set up a breakaway except that he fumbled the pass. Nielsen also ate a -5.

Raty didn't sparkle this weekend. Needs to do better. Chased the puck carrier and left a guy wide open in the slot for the fourth Colorado goal. His straight-line skating is still a real issue in terms of sticking in the NHL.

Blais, you can see why he used to be in the NHL. Used to be. Is a bit lackadaisical at times but his size and skill with the puck and occasionally surprising agility make him a useful player in the AHL.

Klimovich played okay in a game where the forwards were largely ineffective. Noticeable improvement in his defensive play this season and is a useful forechecker. Still has plenty to work on.


Kudryavtsev was back to good form in this game after being a bit dodgy with his puck plays on Friday. One thing he needs to be careful with: he likes to pinch forward in the neutral zone and sometimes is in danger of getting caught with a pass to create an outnumbered situation on the other side with him caught up the ice. Just needs to make sure that he picks his spots well. Good defensive game tonight with smart reads, quick feet and good stick-checking.

Pettersson was mostly okay except for getting walked 1-on-1 for the opening Colorado goal.

Brisebois, Woo and McWard played to their respective levels. Brisebois would be the guy to call up if a spate of injuries hits Vancouver's D.

Hirose was rather weak, similar to last night. Got beat at the blue line on the third goal and just doesn't do much to help the team. Not a strong defensive or transitional player and no offensive punch. And he's getting paid 775k this season. The new Josh Teves.


Patera got ventilated in the final eight minutes but there was only one goal where you could really point a finger at him. A fairly typical AHL goalie showing on a night where the team in front of him was lacklustre. Tolopilo is #1 for now.

Hopefully the team gets some of its better talent back soon (Lekkerimaki, Phil D, Wolanin).


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Jul 11, 2014
We're probably seeing the inevitable result of a totally discombobulated roster and a short, if almost non-existent training camp, for the AHL Canucks.

Offensively they're generating almost nothing. And the PP is almost completely disjointed. They have some practice time and home games through to the end of October to get straightened out.

Good to see lots of ice-time for their two young d-men, Pettersson and Kudryavtsev. After all, at the end of the day, the most important job for your AHL team is 'prospect development'.


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Feb 13, 2003
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Can I blame this all on Johnson whom I've disliked now for years in his profession, not as a person?
IMO Johnson has not done a good job either here or in Utica. Some think differently but I see a lot of evidence to the contrary.

1) Under him our farm teams have had little success . Crept in to the playoffs at times (in a league that hands out playoff spots like a politican hands out leaflets) but then go nowhere.

2) Very few players seem to develop on our farm team under his leadership. Talks a good game but where are the results. How many players have graduated from his teams to become contributors to the Canuck team?

3) Doesn't communicate with his supposed fan base. This was constantly brought up by Utica posters and his communication here seems rare and ineffective. Just a bunch of cliches.

4) Team should have better attendence.

5) Has not brought in good vets to support the kids. Someone goes down and we get a real awful replacement from the ECHL and the players he signs in off-season do nothing to help the team. An endless line of Joyeaus, Daschkes, Passolts, Berzolla etc,etc... None of them do anything suggesting a poor eye for talent.

6) Has, and especially last year, done nothing to provide some protection for the younger players. Team was decimated last year. McWard, HIrose, Poskolzin, Klimovich, Brisebois, Sasson, Wolanin, MacDonough, Woo...(in other words most of our prime prospects at the tiem) In many cases these injuries resulted from deliberate attempts to injured and in most every case there was little to no response from the Abbotsford team.

7) In some cases, he kept around players he liked when they were of little use. Stevens is the best example. Getting key vets to help the team and protect teammates should have been a priority but IMO Johnson put personal friendship ahead of the team needs and in the process is hurting the development of our prospects

8) Johnson has no track record. Got the job through patronage and his links to Linden. We have nothing to indicate some level of competence in Johnson's past and little at present to indicate he is competent.

I like to see a person brought in who has a history in the AHL of successful management and talent evaluation. I think the way our farm team is beinging handle is far from good.


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Jul 11, 2014
I guess your perspective on your AHL farm team really depends on what you define as success.

Sure it would be nice if your AHL farm marched through to the Calder Cup Finals every year like the Hershey Bears. Problem is, they're a veteran AHL team that generates almost 'zero talent' for their NHL affiliate, the Washington Capitals.

Seems to me Abbotsford has the best of two possible worlds. They're competitive every year, winning 40 games in each of the past two seasons. But more importantly, they've done with one of the younger rosters in the AHL.

There are lots of veterans to support the kids in Abbotsford this year. Guys like Wolanin, Brisebois, Friedman, Stevens, Kambeitz, Blais and Twarynski are all veteran players. Problem is they have too many veterans, and can't play them all every night.

And they have a lot of 'young veterans' like Sasson, Karlsson, Nielsen, Woo, Wouters, Smith and Bains (when he returns) all of whom are in at least their third AHL seasons. Even their goaltenders are in their mid-20's with a lot of pro experience.

And these veterans will help the likes of Pettersson, Kudryavtsev, Lekkerimki, Klimovich, McWard and maybe even Tom Wilander by the end of the season. And it's possible that even kids like Mynio and Arliksson make an appearance as well, since they're already signed.

IMO Ryan Johnston and Canucks have a fine job with the Abbotsford Canucks on and off the ice. Rutherford's stated goal is to turn the Abbotsford Canucks into a 'model AHL franchise'. I think they're well on their way to that goal.


HFBoards Sponsor
Feb 13, 2003
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I guess your perspective on your AHL farm team really depends on what you define as success.

Sure it would be nice if your AHL farm marched through to the Calder Cup Finals every year like the Hershey Bears. Problem is, they're a veteran AHL team that generates almost 'zero talent' for their NHL affiliate, the Washington Capitals.

Seems to me Abbotsford has the best of two possible worlds. They're competitive every year, winning 40 games in each of the past two seasons. But more importantly, they've done with one of the younger rosters in the AHL.

There are lots of veterans to support the kids in Abbotsford this year. Guys like Wolanin, Brisebois, Friedman, Stevens, Kambeitz, Blais and Twarynski are all veteran players. Problem is they have too many veterans, and can't play them all every night.

And they have a lot of 'young veterans' like Sasson, Karlsson, Nielsen, Woo, Wouters, Smith and Bains (when he returns) all of whom are in at least their third AHL seasons. Even their goaltenders are in their mid-20's with a lot of pro experience.

And these veterans will help the likes of Pettersson, Kudryavtsev, Lekkerimki, Klimovich, McWard and maybe even Tom Wilander by the end of the season. And it's possible that even kids like Mynio and Arliksson make an appearance as well, since they're already signed.

IMO Ryan Johnston and Canucks have a fine job with the Abbotsford Canucks on and off the ice. Rutherford's stated goal is to turn the Abbotsford Canucks into a 'model AHL franchise'. I think they're well on their way to that goal.
You suggest that Washington should be criticize Washington for not developing player at the expense of playing veterans . In fact, Washington has in Miroshnichenko, Cristall, Leonard, Iorio, Parascak, McMicheal much better prospect than we have. Winning the Calder Cup doesn't mean you don't have develop prospects. Indeed the opposite is more likely true. And if you are going to critcize a team for not developing prospects then shouldn't Abby be included. This season has revealed that none of the supposed prospects in Abby are close to helping Vancouver. Development-wise Abbotsford is black hole.

Also, you suggest that Washington had a veteran laded team while we were more concerned with developing young vets. But as you point out yourself you can only play a limited number of vets so you can't stack a team in the AHL with vets while somehow others don't. . Suggesting that Hershey won b/c of this is untrue. They could only play the same number of vets as we did..

The difference is that, like other good teams at this level, Hershey had excellent vets while we have very mediocre ones. Only Wolanin on you list is an upper level vet. The rest are very ordinary and some just bottom enders. Fact is the number of good vets has diminished steadily since the first year in
Abbotsford. In the end, one of the main difference between us and a team like Hershey and other top tier AHL teams, is that their management as been able to bring in good veteran players while we clearly have not . And whose to blame for that?

Not only that, Abbotsford has not brought in veteran toughness, like every other AHL team does (like Hershey has Mclrath +others) which I believe was a key factor in the number of key injuries the team suffered last year. This had an obvious negative effect on the development of players. So why has the team not done at least something to protect the younger players and whose to blame for that?

Saying people like Karlsson, Sassons etc will help the young players is speculation at best. What you need is true veterans with lots of AHL experience . Guys you mention are still trying to find thier way. Throwing the burden on them to lead the young players is asking way too much and is simply foolish in my opinion. You need seasoned vets. That should be Johnson job and you look at the lineup and he has clearly failed in that aspect.

Saying that the Canucks have a bunch of drafted players that are in, or may come into the lineup, this season is irrelevant. Johnson was not responible for any of those players and fact some are playing or maybe playing in Abbotsford is not a criteria for assessing the job done by Johnson. And my fear is that these younger players will not develop in the atmosphere created by Johnson. And in that belief, history is on my side.

To me, you are drinking the Cool-aid. Having this nice, rosy picture of the success Johnson and his successes may allow you sleep better at night but ignores some of the realities of what is actually going on. Having a goal of having a successful farm team is not the same as achieveing it. Success is actually achieveing something, not dreaming about it happening.



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