Watching the game last night--as a Sharks fan--I can actually say she's improved since earlier in the season, though unfortunately in my opinion the level before was so low that I still find it upsetting that she was given this role as her training ground (which I say is on ESPN, and a disrespect they have for hockey still, and NOT on her). It's not like I would turn down such an offer from ESPN, and I probably have more play-by-play experience than she does. People also don't realize just how hard of a job it is, especially hockey.
She did better last night at almost always accurately identifying players and teams--the bare-minimum requirement, particularly on national broadcasts. She also has worked to eliminate her shrieky, incoherent goal calls, but in the process has dialed it back to actually lack enthusiasm.
I agree with
@tiburon12 about the lack of anticipation and enthusiasm as play crescendos toward potential excitement. It's a fine line--I thought Doc Emrick actually could go overboard, for example--but it's pretty important with how easy it is these days to be distracted briefly from the action.
Also, I don't know that there's anything she can really do about this--maybe it's just an experience thing--but more than the timbre of her voice, I think the issue is more that she has a very strange way of pronouncing some words. It's like how she ends them, with excessively hard "T" sounds, for example. And she strangely tends to drop articles sometimes (like "the" and "a") and she drops her g's at the ends of words much more than any other play-by-play announcer I've heard in any major professional sport. Personality-wise she's kind of a goofball, which I can get behind, but even my wife, not a hockey fan but who was subjected to part of the broadcast, at one point was like, "Is she joking there?" Again, it's an experience thing.
I wish ESPN would let her get experience by doing college hockey, but more than any other media entity I feel like they do whatever they want with no care for public sentiment, so we'll probably have her calling playoff hockey games.
Also, even though Dominic Moore isn't very experienced or the best himself as an analyst, I'd like to give him some kudos for picking her up multiple times where she seemed distracted or unaware of what was going on and we were left with silence, wondering about things ourselves as viewers.