1. I dont travel really. But when I do go places or when I did pre-rona, I definitely pay attention to everyone and everything. I make sure to know where the exits are. I make sure to know the nearest police or fire station is. I'm a people watcher anyways, so I'll watch people. If a place is too crowded I won't go or get too close. 9/11 f***ed up my 11 year old self. My childhood was over after that day. I became aware of everything. And now with everything going on? Yeah I dwell on it. I'm working on that in therapy though so woo!
2. I think it could buy stability. I could pay off my parents mortgage. I think having that much money is unnatural and weird, imo. It just feels icky. I would give most, if not all to charity. But yeah, I think for some people it could buy happiness because you wouldn't have to worry about anything. That money would make you "worry free".
3. Twice. I've stolen twice in my entire life. I stole a piece of gum at my local convenience store when I was 5. I knew the lady who owned it at the time. I walked out with it and immediately felt guilty. I told my mom before we got back in the car and we walked back in and I told Kim I took her gum. She told me to keep it, I said no no and apologized. I don't know why I took it in the first place.
Then when I was 8 or 9 my class went to the Aquarium and we all went to the gift shop. I had just enough for a stuffed animal but I wanted to get a magnet for my mom. My friends were saying "just take the magnet nobody is looking". So, I took that 2 dollar magnet and I took it home. Immediately after giving it to my mom I told her the truth. We had a long conversation about peer pressure and how I know better and not to steal. She was right. I DID know better. From that day on I've never stolen ANYTHING. And I don't give in to peer pressure. I know it seems small but knowing right from wrong at a young age can shape a child. My mom never shamed me. She made sure I knew it was wrong and that we don't take things from others unless we buy it. Nor should we let others tempt us or make us do things we shouldn't do.
4. Best party? Either my 3rd Birthday when Barney showed up during a snowstorm and I got to dance on his feet with him or my sisters wedding 6 years ago. I caught the bouquet. And it was my brother in law's brother who caught the garter. So it was awkward, while trying to be sexy, and hilariously silly and well...ill provide the the picture. I was hammered lol
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5. Anger. I get angry. I have a huge temper. But I've gotten better over the years. It's a trait from my father's side. Thst Italian temper is no joke. So I get angry. I can get physical if I need to be. And then after I get depressed and sad.