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Those Mike Reilly and Vince Dunn numbers are so absurd they sound made up. That’s insane. 

To put it in pragmatic perspective, Dunn is getting paid almost 1 MIL more than Parayko this year.
I'd rather have Parayko than Dunn. Seems like everyone is infatuated with defensemen who put up points and actually playing defense is secondary. Dom's model seems more suited for fantasy hockey than real hockey.
If your model spits out results like this then you should probably tweak the model than publish the results…A lot of values for defensemen are weird for his model.
Here are some that raise my eyebrow.
Sergechev has a market Value of 1.3mil
Jake McCabe has a Value of 7.1mil
Matt Roy has a Value 9.7mil
I'll never understand Leddy's negative reputation that some seem to have of him.
I too was initially disappointed when I first heard about the Leddy acquisition. I am so happy I was wrong.Just goes to show that even "average" NHLers are extremely skilled. I'll admit I was underwhelmed when we acquired him based on my limited knowledge, but he's been so much better than I expected. Such a solid pro.
Some people point are the flaws as a matter of fact. Others absolutely get bent out of shape. I am not saying all people critiquing the model are getting bent out of shape.I agree with most of what you said. I disagree with generalizing and projecting emotion onto people for pointing out the flaws in the model. That's strange to me.
I'll never understand Leddy's negative reputation that some seem to have of him.
I don’t mind the model being flawed, i f it were presented with a little more humility, and less of the snarky comments about Blues fans. If youre going to present things like WE’RE the dummies for questioning the model, you deserve the flack.Some people point are the flaws as a matter of fact. Others absolutely get bent out of shape. I am not saying all people critiquing the model are getting bent out of shape.
The Dom comments are just noise to me. He isn’t a fans of the Blues and to me he is just baiting people, so why take the bait? To each their own though.I don’t mind the model being flawed, i f it were presented with a little more humility, and less of the snarky comments about Blues fans. If youre going to present things like WE’RE the dummies for questioning the model, you deserve the flack.
I get that capturing statistics to reflect good defensive play is harder than counting shots and goals. There are probably some in-game events that could reflect impact better, but they’re not the available stats he can plug into a model. It would be cool to get to see the inner workings of some of the better proprietary analytics the clubs use.
I've attempted to engage Dom's and others' models, but it's mostly nonsensical. And it is so because most of us have been so polluted, corrupted and mind-controlled that we have all but lost the capability to create and perceive complex models with multiple dimensions.My baseline: Dom's model is near perfect engagement bait. It's accurate enough, but also unabashedly ludicrous.
If it was anything close to being a real tool, NYT would've productized it. Therefore it remains a toy.
I totally read this in the voice of peyote.I've attempted to engage Dom's and others' models, but it's mostly nonsensical. And it is so because most of us have been so polluted, corrupted and mind-controlled that we have all but lost the capability to create and perceive complex models with multiple dimensions.
When we take real control of ourselves, our perceptions broaden.
Not a single one of these models like Dom's is any good. The concepts in parts of Dom's model are way too big to measure in ways that are reliable and valid. It is not even sound basic science. I understand that there are conferences for advanced stats in sports, but it appears like the NHL stats peeps are weak. They don't understand basic scientific method.
Until we can perceive more dimensions than we currently can, simple is best. And guys like Dom are misrepresenting their data in a graph with a fancy title that is supposedly a representation of a concept that is more complex than we can comprehend.
I don't look at any of those stats sites with big claims. This is why Dom's model sucks, imo.
Looking at streaming options. What is best option to be able to ensure that I don't miss any hockey games. I want to make sure I get all Blues games and have NHL network. I can add ESPN+ to any of them, but it looks like some of the streaming services don't have Bally's or NHL Network. Any guidance? Thanks!
Sort of. Some metrics can do a good job at highlighting that, things like breaking up entries or not allowing carry-ins. JFresh's image of the micro-stats does a pretty good job of summarizing Parayko's game. He's a very good shutdown defender, very good skater, he can carry the puck with just about anyone, but doesn't really drive offense. He can score because he does have a good shot and that can be dangerous on the rush, but during settled 5v5 in-zone offense, he's not going to do much. PK is the other big thing against him, but that's a weird metric honestly.The problem with Dom's model, as well as any sports analysis, is that you can't account for an event that -doesn't- occur. You can look at rates and all that, but it's pretty hard to figure out how much a guy stops anything from happening didn't happen. This is why Dom's model looks silly for defensive defenseman, and that's coming from someone who thinks Parayko isn't worth his contract either, for exactly the reasons Dom mentions. I don't think Parayko is a 2.5M dollar player, but I also don't think he's worth 6.5 either. I've touched on my thoughts on him in a different post last year, and I still stand by those comments.
ESPN+ has all the games, right? I used that last season, but since KC is technically in the St. Louis area, I had to use a VPN for Blues games. If I lived outside of Blues area, I'd just use that.Looking at streaming options. What is best option to be able to ensure that I don't miss any hockey games. I want to make sure I get all Blues games and have NHL network. I can add ESPN+ to any of them, but it looks like some of the streaming services don't have Bally's or NHL Network. Any guidance? Thanks!
ESPN+ has most of the games, but I'm moving to Nashville and want to also watch Preds games so need Ballys. And NHL network has some and also WJC. If NHL Network was on more streaming services this would be much easier.ESPN+ has all the games, right? I used that last season, but since KC is technically in the St. Louis area, I had to use a VPN for Blues games. If I lived outside of Blues area, I'd just use that.
I just miss games now due to the lack of access to NHL Network. It’s entirely ridiculous that the NHL’s channel is not more accessible.ESPN+ has most of the games, but I'm moving to Nashville and want to also watch Preds games so need Ballys. And NHL network has some and also WJC. If NHL Network was on more streaming services this would be much easier.