I watched a lot of Swedish Jr yesterday.
Stenberg was the best player that I watched. The reason why he doesn't get more top 15, top 10 votes is because he has no area of overwhelming strength. But he is good in all areas and has a good head for the game.
Noah Dower Nilsson was the best playmaker, but due to his overall profile he will be a 2nd rounder, and that's where he should be taken.
Ciernik had the best skating and skill, but also doesn't seem particularly interested in J20 hockey.
Oscar Fisker Mølgaard is a great skater, competitive and smart, but I don't see how he will contribute offensively at the next level. Muffin shot, not integrated with any handles, uninspired playmaking. His points come from outskating and outworking his opponent and making simple passes, and banging home rebounds.
If we go with a size queen pick from Sweden I would prefer Wahlberg, but none of the Swedish big boys are as good as But, for instance.
I think people are getting carried away with Willander, but he's a great skater. Who knows what he can become with a few years of NCAA. I prefer Simashev.