Personally, I like the lines going into the NYR game.
1. The lund line was very very good last year and getting better and better as the year went on. Granny is a great distributor (though this year hes burying too), Zetterlund can finish and play physical, and eklund does both. I think they compliment each other very well. I expect this is really line One.
2. Celly and toffoli need a winger of course. I echo the sentiments that I d rather have graf, cardwell, or Gush there, but in the absence of those guys Goodrow is fine. He works hard, gets in on the forecheck and goes the net. It's not a top choice for me, but Im not sure there are alot of other good options.
3. I like smith with Wennberg and Dyll. Wennberg especially is supposed to be a good FO and Defensive presence, and they need that to protect Smith from his own poor defensive play. Dyll has been disappointing thus far, but its good to give him a real shot to make things happen.
I like the combos given the shallowness of personnel that they are dealing with. I bet they have a solid game especially if Walman can slot back in.