I think it's a preconception/bias because of the kind of player they represent. Tatar is a skill player so any underperformance or warts in his game will be viewed as laziness/disinterest/lack of care (he's "only" a 20-ish goal-scorer while consistently having been a low plus or a minus player for most of his career, so he "should" be better either by being a stronger goal scorer or a more committed two-way guy. Allegedly) while Ferraro is a "non-numbers" guy who people can argue has his value show up in ways that stats can't measure, therefore if he looks bad a) it's not really that bad because the numbers can't quantify intangibles and b) he tries hard and works hard and is a hard-working try-hard who works and tries and that must lead to success in the right circumstances because hard work pays off.
Basically the same sort of thing that gets Tatar dinged as not being good enough relative to expectations is used to shield Ferraro from actually not being good enough relative to expectations.