2022-23 New Goalie Equipment and Masks

Full Hellberg Sens setup:

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I think this is a total beauty

The concept is alright. Thankfully it looks better if you squint. But the execution is completely overdone.

Dave loves to insert himself into those "story telling" lids and it gets tiring.

Edit: think about this for a second. His usage of lens flares makes zero sense.
What are the purpose of those? Especially on masks that already have a shiny finish. They become completely redundant.
And now think about it even further, his lens flare placements.
Have you ever seen a brick reflect sunlight and create a lens flare as it does on Halak's mask?

Again, Dave is not an amateur. He knows how to draw and create stuff, his feel for composition however is non existent. Everything looks gaudy and over the top. Even worse than a freaking Ed Hardy t shirt
I think this is a total beauty

See, Dave can paint a decent mask. This one is actually conceptually sound, with some actual use of space in an organized design concept. Obviously the finishing flourish DaveFX are still a bit much, but with the underlying layout of the design actually making sense on the mask...at a distance, it'll actually read as coherent and those little FX will get lost anyway.

Edit: Of course, reading the description...it's based on a drawing and design by someone else. :laugh:

These pads unfortunately look like he's wearing them on the wrong legs. Obviously is not, but the white strip on the inside edge of the pad looks like it should be on the outside. It's a kind of interesting graphic in the abstract, but there's some funky stuff going on with sorta faux inner/outer rolls going on visually.
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One of the best lids I’ve seen in awhile!! Gorgeous and clean!

Easily Dave’s best work. One of the few times his extra detail adds to it instead of makes it vomit inducing. I really like that. The mountains and flames are well done without cluttering it.

It’s not for a lack of artistic talent that his masks suck. If he cut out the effects and simplified his masks, they’d be very good. His technical skills are incredible but he goes way too far to try to show them off at every chance and completely misses the mark on the final product.

That one is promising. Maybe he will chill with the DaveFX and start spraying good masks. It’s shocking to me so many goalies still go to him honestly
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I'll never get this matte love affair. More than half the league (seems like 2/3) has matte finish which makes pretty much all of them look BLAH! Vladar's mask above would be pretty cool, but the matte makes it bland.
More DaveArt offerings:

Though, I have to say I like this design on Hellberg's new Sens lid:

What is even going on with the Tommy Nappier Penguins mask? Is it like...a bunch of bird skeletons? Or what is that even?

The Hellberg mask could actually be really good. But all the "texture" just completely washes out and softens the design. Makes it hard to interpret the lines and concept and what's going on there, because there's so much completely unnecessary detailing and contouring going on within it.

The Brossoit VGK mask feels like a Taco Time ad placement.


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