If you do want to listen to the podcast with Verbeek, then go to the 1:51:37 mark. The video should start there. Just move the cursor over until you hear they start talking hockey.
@Duck Off shared, Verbeek skirted around questions. There was one instance where Verbeek was asked about cap space and utilizing it either now or going forward, but Verbeek's answer was the youth need to get stronger and prepared. Verbeek completely avoided answering that question. Maybe Verbeek doesn't want to share his overall game plan for the Ducks.
On the subject of Klingberg, I came away with two thoughts: 1) We wanted Klingberg longer than a year and probably at a lower salary. 2) We got lucky with Klingberg gambling on himself for a year at $7 mil. After missing out on Nino at $4 mil AAV, the Ducks really needed to get to the cap floor and Klingberg's $7 mil solved that problem. IMO, Verbeek was more concerned about reaching the cap floor than acquiring the player. It aligns with his rebuild with wanting a short term. Even though we're lucky, I'll take getting a minute munching top-4D at that point.
I agree with mostly everyone about the Terry response. That incident is a culture shock b/c we've been reliant on having some kind of enforcer under Murray (Manson and Des) to a pack mentality with Verbeek. Murray put the onus on himself to protect his finesse players with an enforcer or two whereas Verbeek is putting the responsibility on everyone. Right now, it doesn't look great for Verbeek, but into the future he will have bigger guys on the ice where the pack mentality might have more bite. Strome, McTavish, Jones, and, to a lesser extent, Comtois adds that size and grit next season.
I thought Des provided more than just being a pugilist and would fit well with Verbeek's bigger and physical mentality. A 3rd round pick added another draft dart for Verbeek, apparently having more value than what Des brought.