You're right he shouldn't. But if said person hasn't made any even perfunctory gestures to signify change, why does he just automatically get the benefit of the doubt? Even in pre-draft interviews people were saying he was evasive and refuting even obvious facts about the incidents that are fairly common knowledge at this point.
Why do we always just assume people get better as they get older? Have you not met people? Some people who were shitty as kids continue to be shitty adults. Not everyone gets wiser with age. Quit assuming this every time, especially in the wake of heinous behavior like this.
Once again, for the people in the back--the OTHER KID involved in this bullying issued a genuine and formal apology, and was forgiven by the boy and his family. When Miller does something similar, then I'll give him some credit. But he hasn't, and likely never will. Don't just assume time has made a person better--in this case I don't think it has at all.