Its a false dillema you raise. Jagr looked like Jagr at 18. Crosby looked like Crosby. Ovi like Ovi.
Even guys that needed a few years to establish themselves looked special.
Jack Hughes was phenomenal every time he had the puck and would complete passes that could remind one of the Great one.
Even closer to home, Caufield and Suzuki looker every bit as special the first time they hit the ice. Now, granted these guys were 20 and Caufield has the talent level or a top pick in a 5'6 body but the point stands.
As of now, today, can you answer with an Aye or Nay if Slafkovsky impressed you as much, or gave you the same feeling as young Cole?
My reasoning is that Slafkovsky is going to be an awesome player, not unlike Weber was for the Habs, but like Weber, the Habs overpaid market value to acquire him. Wether that is important or not is another debate that Im willing to have.