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Viola for giving Zito the job and then staying the hell out of the way (other than supporting his financial decisions). By doing that, V looks like a friggen genius.
I know what you mean by staying the hell out… He made a mistake, or a couple…
Good businessmen don’t do the same mistake twice !
Viola has learned his lessons, putting some of his people being willing to learn, getting his man (Bill Zito), and letting him build his view and support him in every decisions (hiring quality hockey people, expanding like with the Goalie Department, etc…), giving him the money and investing in the team… Vinny knows now that he needs HOCKEY-people to run a hockey-business… And I’m convinced that with his background, Zito seems to be one of the best !
Really, Viola has made his mistakes and he has seen it too… Pretty sure he knows the last one he made was letting DT sign Bob ! That still shows he is willing to put his money where his mouth is, whatever is the expression hehe
Bill Zito will get this done !