TSN said that Grieg tested positive for covid on November 8 and will join the camp when his quarantine is over. Byfield hasn't skated with the team yet but should tomorrow. Simoneau is still waiting on results. 14 players were missing from the team skate yesterday but now it's only those three.
Regarding NCAA players, they've officially said that Power is no longer being considered, which I'd say is fair given the situation. Also of note, and perhaps giving his coach a bit of credit, is that the other NCAA players are there but they have to stay in their own bubble for 14 days. They can skate but only among themselves (plus with goaltenders) and they will stay away from the other players at the hotel for the next few weeks.
All this is making me think that the longer it takes for other teams to bring players together the more headaches there might be come tournament time.
Rishaug seems to be the main guy divulging information for TSN: