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I wouldn't call Bortuzzo and Gunnarson a "stacked" d, but yes, the strength of Parayko and Peitrangelo makes it a strong dcore
The Kings? I recall they traded their (at the time) perceived stud dman playing 20+ min a night for Jeff Carter, and then won the cup
Chi? I recall they added Brad Richards
Yous be hard pressed to say the kings had a stacked forward group. The kinds strength was their d ( doughty muzzling Martinez, voting, McNabb', etc.) Notice how the impact if trading Johnson was negligible because they still had a very good D core locked in for a long time?
Then they had a good, but not stacked, forward group in Kopitarx Richard's, carter and Brown. After that, you had toffoli and a bunch if good character guys.. and the main reason they won is because the team absolutely stifled offensive teams with superior defensive play.
The Hawks were a much more balanced group, having elite talent at both forward and D to achieve a much better balance.
I cant even think of a team in recent memory, outside of Pittsburtgh, whose focus was on elite offensive play and forcing the D to take a backseat. Even the capitals widened up and started focusing on defensive depth at D. Theres probably a reason for that.