Prokhorkin is wasted on line 4 with Clewlis and JAD etc. No one EVER gets him the puck...even in the prvious 3 weeks, Carter didn't make one pass in the O zone to him... Pro has to do it alone and pretty difficult, but he can make plays and create his own chances...and so what happens ONCE, this game and last? He gets a little PP time in Tampa and makes that great shot that Brown tips in for a goal...and gets ONE chance with Kopitar / Brown with 3 minutes to go and brings it in, Brown gets it, give back to Pro (the first good pass a King has made to Pro all January in the O zone) and he looks to be going around the net, power moves in front and almost scores, then Kopi buries it. So? Virtually the last 2 shifts Pro got to play away from Clewlis and other 4th liners, he's involved in 2 huge, key goals at end of the games....move him off of line 4, please. never put him there again. He will create more offense than anyone on the Kings, with possible exception of Kopitar...oh, and Pro saved a goal too. Nice.