Expectations are everything...it's highlighted a lot when I read the Day thread versus the Kravtsov thread.
The way this season is playing out so far, for Kravtsov, is extremely disappointing. He's projected to be a top six forward and this season he is falling flat on his face. What's the context to this season?
He's 19 (soon to be 20) years old.
He came to a completely new country/culture. Faced adversity, didn't make the NHL roster. Didn't get the minutes in the AHL, that he was seemingly promised/assured/hinted at. We would have love to see him dig past that adversity and fight. It doesn't seem he did.
Maybe I'm projecting my own life, but my first bout with adversity, I didn't fare so well. I sucked, it took time for me to internalize it and grow from it. I hope VK goes through a similar process.
It's way too early to think of VK as a bust (not saying people are). I think it's very appropriate for people to be concerned and disappointed.
I hope one of the main things VK improves on this season, is his mental toughness. How he responds to adversity. Good luck VK, at the end of the day, we're all rooting for you.