There are ignorant, clueless people in every country in the world. If you encounter ignorant "Muricans" here it's because this is a board catering primarily to North American fans.
If there's confusion about the KHL and people saying stupid things, it's partly due to a lack of information. People don't understand the KHL, how it works, why it works that way, etc. I don't know half of the rules and policies and I'm an avid fan of the game. The point you made about rights retention earlier--I had NEVER heard that anywhere. It makes total sense. Bit given most posters here will not see your post they will remain totally in the dark about that. And it's not for lack of trying! Understanding these intricacies is incredibly difficult for an English speaker since there's just not much available on the internet to make things clear.
And yes, there's also an element of geopolitical conflict involved here. But that's not unique to Americans, it happens everywhere. But you shouldn't paint in such broad strokes, it would be no different than Americans drawing conclusions about all Europeans based off stupid **** that happens at football matches. It's not really fair.