I am so heartily tired of all the personal criticism of Staal. Yes, he is a shell of what he once was. Yes, the ideal of what makes a top tier NHL defenseman has changed and the game has passed him by. Yes, his contract is a drag on our salary cap. We all know that: even those of us who value what Staal has meant to this team. Criticize his play. certainly. But leave the personal comments out. I am just so sick of them. And you know what? He doesn't deserve it...even in his present state. This guy has been a rock for us. One of the best #1 picks in the modern era of the drafts (better: Leetch, maybe Kovalev, James Patrick?). A guy who lived up to his potential, was a legit first pair D in an era when his skill set was valued. One of the heart and soul leaders of some of the best Ranger teams of the last 40 years. And let's not forget what he has suffered: multiple concussions, a horrific eye injury.
So let's celebrate this guy and not personally berate him. He doesn't deserve it, nor does he merit it.
I'm not sure that he is even a third pair D anymore, but that is beside the point. Perhaps he should have been bought out and maybe he will be next summer. But he is not going anywhere. Repeat: he is not going anywhere. He is not going to be traded. Maybe he starts the year on our third pair. But as much as AV, who (heresy, heresy) I think is one of the best coaches in the league and not the complete idiot that some of you think he is, wants to play him and wants to see him succeed, if Staal doesn't play well he will be relegated to the press box only dressing if there is an injury. We have to much talent on D sitting in Hartford for Staal to play if he proves that he can't. AV will not play him if consistently hurts the team.
I am certainly capable of being quite critical of our players. In fact, I pride myself in seeing through personal attachment to anyone wearing a Ranger sweater, and accessing play. But I only truly criticize players who underperform or don't have the work ethic to do well. Staal is the opposite of that. By any stretch of the imagination, he has been one of our top defensemen for a long time. Yes, that time is done. But he not someone who is coasting, just collecting his salary. He is in great shape, continues to play hard, and is a locker room leader.
Personal criticism of unwarranted, unfounded, and uncalled for. Criticize his play...certainly. Criticize the man......no. And enough with stating over and over that he should have been bought out. He wasn't. Enough with saying that JG should have found some way of moving him. This is real life, not fantasy hockey. Wishing can't make it so. Staal is here, likely for the whole year. Perhaps for the length of his contract. Moaning and groaning will not change that. I refuse to criticize this player, the epitome of what it means to wear the Ranger sweater with pride.