Yes all of those things, no disagreement there. However, now your sounding like Barry Trotz when he went and got guys like Winnik and Richards who were those things which eventually lead to the demise of any offensive depth Washington had, and ultimately the failure of the team.
Telegin has AHL level offensive capabilities, if we watched the same WC you cannot deny that he missed several open nets from world class set ups compliments of Datsyuk and Mozyakin. In an important game do you want some guy who is known for great penalty killing but will flub an open net which may be the game changing goal? Guys like Kulemin Anisimov and even Malkin etc can kill penalties,
anyone can do it really. Hell Kovy used to be NJ's best PKer, I would never put a guy on the team whos best attribute is killing a penalty, board work etc, as its usually synonymous for lack of usefulness otherwise. Wayne Gretzky thinks the same thing