Welcome, Mr. X, to the Europé!
Prague (Czechia) is like in Europé, Sidney. CZECHNIA did belong to the U.S.S.R. once. Don't go there. Terrorists, the russians say and no Birger Kung. We have some hardpiped hockeyveterans here in Europé who never sat their foot in America. They're waiting for you! Working the angels, the ice surface and a sore rib or two, like they always did. Can't use the stick AT ALL. Can skate, though, fast. Eric Heiden's ancestors were belgians.
Must say that the czechish (YES!) beer is top notch (Staropramen etc, nowhere near Bud) and the weather finer for each day until the 3rd place deciding game, you know, the game where one or a few players (Star Spang...) usually will be drunk.
Switzerland is nice and don't forget Paris on your way home.
The architecture in old Prague is 1700s or or older, poor man's Rome. Check it out between games! DON'T buy women on the country side! Women's rights and life is worth fighting for. The hotel where you will stay accommodated surely will have ambitions!
Sorry your defense (Pencils) was out to lunch in round 1. Might be better here when your whole national team finally is assembled. I'm sure you won't have to use european players this time.
PS. Watch out for sand on your way from the barrack to the ice!
PSS. Backcheck!!