The only surprising cut for me was Bigras, just because he was a returnee. I think Fleury stuck around just in case Hicketts is hurt. If Hicketts is fine, I think Fleury is final cut on defence.
Up front, there are still 3 cuts to go. I see a group of 6 on the bubble, that being, in order from most likely cut to least: Paul, Ritchie, Dickinson, Chartier, Crouse and Gauthier. I would have left Gauthier out, but with Bigras getting cut, Hockey Canada clearly isn't putting much stock in past experience, nor should they considering that team finished fourth. If Chartier and/or Dickinson clearly outplays Gauthier in the next pre-tournament game and during practices throughout the week, then I think one or both of them could stick around. Ritchie didn't do himself any favours with dumb penalties and Paul has been the least noticeable from that group so far. Those 2, Ritchie and Paul, will need a BIG week to stick around. Crouse is the other interesting guy, being an under-ager, but it sounds like they really covet his size and "heavy" game, so he might get the nod over a somewhat similar player in Ritchie.
It'll be another interesting week, but that's how I see things shaking down. This would be my updated depth chart:
Dal Colle-Gauthier-Dickinson/Chartier
Petan is fully capable of playing centre, I believe it's his preferred position. Chartier is also very versatile with past experience on the wing. I would probably give him the edge over Dickinson, but I'm a bit biased being Kelowna-based and seeing more of him throughout the season.
Your thoughts...again?