I enjoy the Spengler Cup every year. It is quality professional hockey in a unique setting with unique circumstances. Is it as intense as the World Juniors? No not at all. Does it have the best players in the world? No not at all. But there are many quality seasoned pros playing to win a tournament. It is exciting big ice hockey and I thoroughly enjoy watching it and cheering for Team Canada every holiday season.
It is not everyone's cup of tea but I love it. I also love the World Championships. Great Hockey and a chance to cheer on Canada.
I understand why many in Canada are not fans of the Spengler and World Championships but I don't agree with that mind set. I love all hockey and I love watching Canada compete on the World stage wether it be Olympics, World Cup, World Juniors, World Championships, Spengler Cup, Deutchland Cup ect
Cheers to all enjoy the spectacle!