How I see it at the moment:
Tobias Stephan (Genève Servette) - Not going, let´s in too many soft goals
Reto Berra (Calgary Flames NHL) - Probably the starter or 1A/B
Martin Gerber (Kloten Flyers) - Should be goalie number 3, providing his experience
Benjamin Conz (Fribourg Gottéron) - Definitively not going
Jonas Hiller (Anaheim Ducks NHL ) - Possibly the back-up, or tandem with Berra
Leanardo Genoni (HC Davos) - The fact that he's injured destroys any chance of his
Lukas Flüeler (ZSC Lions) - The best goalie in the swiss league this season, but still slim chance of going
Lukas Flüeler (ZSC Lions)
Roman Josi (Nashville Predators - NHL) - A lock!
Luca Sbisa (Anaheim Ducks - NHL) - If he's healthy he'll play
Mark Streit (Philadelphia Flyers - NHL ) - Probably the captain! Sharing the role with Seger, if Seger makes the team!
Yannick Weber (Vancouver Canucks - NHL )- He´s been playing very well in the AHL, but there are better offensive defensemen on the team (Streit, Josi, Diaz)
Rafael Diaz ((Montreal Canadiens - NHL) - A Lock!
Severin Blindenbacher (ZSC Lions) - He definitively has chances of making the team, tough guy with offensive skills. He´ll have to battle for a spot with Weber, Von Gunten and Du Bois
Matthias Seger (ZSC Lions) - Was the captain during the World Championships last year, should make the team due to experience, even though he´s not
Eric Blum (Kloten Flyers) - No
Philippe Furrer (SC Bern) - No, until very recently he´s had a really bad season with his team and he battled with injuries
Robin Grossmann (HC Davos) - Maybe, but his chances aren´t that good
Julien Vauclair (HC Lugano) - Will not make the team, he suffered a concussion that threatened his career. I don´t think he´ll be fully recovered until the Olympics
Patrick von Gunten (Kloten Flyers) - Slim chances
Felicien Du Bois (Kloten Flyers) - Slim chances, stepped up his play lately
Goran Bezina (Genève Servette) - Should make the team. Strong guy with a booming slapshot. But he´s a defensive liability...
Tim Ramholt (HC Davos) - If Sbisa doesn´t make it, Ramholt possibly gets his spot as tough guy
Dean Kukan (Lulea SVE), - No, but he´s got potential
Andres Ambühl (HC Davos) - Almost a Lock
Matthias Bieber (Kloten Flyers) - Maybe
Simon Bodenmann (Kloten Flyers) - Maybe, very skilled forward
Dario Bürgler (HC Davos) - Slim chances. Last season he played great, but this season...

i (ZSC Lions) - A Lock. Great season until now, probably the best player in the Swiss League!
Ryan Gardner (SC Bern) - Hell no!
Denis Hollenstein (Genève Servette) - Should make the team
Thibaut Monnet (Fribourg Gottéron) - My favourite hockey player and a great goal scorer, but he probably won´t make the team due to his bad defensive play
Simon Moser (Milwaukee Admirals) - Very good defensive forward
Nino Niederreiter (Minnesota - NHL) - A lock!
Martin Plüss ( SC Bern) - Not the best season thus far
Reto Suri ( EV Zug) - He´s got good chances of making the team. Best player for Zug this season and he´s improved over the last few weeks
Morris Trachsler (ZSC Lions) - Had to battle with injuries, but one of our best defensive forwards. Has a chance of centering the fourth line
Julian Walker (HC Lugano) - Chances of being on the fourth line
Julien Sprunger (Fribourg Gottéron) - Definititvely has chances of making the team, one of the most skilled Swiss players
Andrej Bykov (Fribourg Gottéron) - Very, very skilled but he won´t make it
Roman Wick (ZSC Lions) - Great season so far, good chances
Kevin Romy (Genève-Servette) - Should be there...
Sven Bärtschi (Calgary Flames NHL) - He should make the team. Skilled forward with lots of potential, but he hasn´t hat a good season until now
Damien Brunner (New Jersey - NHL) - I guess he´ll make the team even though he plays horribly and without any confidence right now
Tanner Richard (Syracuse Crunch AHL) - No
Christoph Bertschy (SC Bern) - No
Joel Vermin (SC Bern) - No
Sven Andrighetto (Hamilton Bulldogs - AHL) - Slim chances. I like the kid, he´s played quite good in the AHL
Lino Martischini (EV Zug) - No
Grégory Hoffmann (HC Davos) - No
Dino Wieser (HC Davos) - Chances of making the fourth line
Benjamin Plüss (Fribourg Gottéron) - Best player for Fribourg this season. But he´s got very little international experience
Inti Pestoni (HC Ambri-Piotta) - Great scorer. He´ll get his chance, but maybe not for 2014
Patrik Bärtschi (ZSC Lions) - Best goal scorer in the Swiss League. The way he plays right now he should be considered by the coaches
Daniel Steiner (HC Ambri-Piostta) - One of the guys who´s responsible that Ambri has a great season. Skilled, but maybe to old
Dino Wieser (HC Davos), Benjamin Plüss (Fribourg Gottéron), Inti Pestoni (HC Ambri-Piotta), Patrik Bärtschi (ZSC Lions), Daniel Steiner (HC Ambri-Piostta)