GDT: 2013 Training Camp Thread (Camp opens weekend of 1/11; NHL games start 1/19)

Live in the Now

Registered User
Dec 17, 2005
What the injury does is make us not have to choose between Nolan and Clifford for a while longer. I don't think we're that bad off, obviously we don't want to lose Kopi, but we can weather the hit for the time being. Just hope that second line doesn't fall off a cliff production wise.


Regehr GOAT
Oct 30, 2009
No way. The Kings already have two top 6 centers.


Carter and Brown wont work together at all. Not 1 bit.

Until Kopitar is back, I say swap Brown with Lewis with these lineups and run a top 9

Or just Brown with Penner, but Brown and Richards didnt work well last year either


Bump up Richards to 1, Stoll to 2, and give Vey a shot at 3rd line perhaps? He's having a superb year.

Stoll isn't talented enough to be a second line C. Give it to Lokti, I want to see what he can do with good wingers.


Enjoy the chaos
Jul 1, 2003
Carter and Brown wont work together at all. Not 1 bit.

Until Kopitar is back, I say swap Brown with Lewis with these lineups and run a top 9

Or just Brown with Penner, but Brown and Richards didnt work well last year either

Except when they teamed up together to score the cup clinching goal... What makes you say they don't belong together?

I'd like to see:

Brown's better at left, but Gagne and Penner are natural lwers. Carter has contributed to a couple game winning goals with Penner or Brown.

The second line is a great two way threat, and the bottom 6 is solid


Registered User
Mar 18, 2010
Except when they teamed up together to score the cup clinching goal... What makes you say they don't belong together?

I'd like to see:

Brown's better at left, but Gagne and Penner are natural lwers. Carter has contributed to a couple game winning goals with Penner or Brown.

The second line is a great two way threat, and the bottom 6 is solid

I would like to see Williams and Carter on the same line. There you have a playmaker and a world-class sniper.
Then I would drop Brown to the 2nd line with Richards.



One note: In the first games we will likely run three lines with the same ice-time.


Maniacal Laugh
Mar 10, 2004
R'Lyeh, Antarctica
Yeah, that whole thing is getting crazy...I've never truly forgiven Lombardi for the way he treated Visnovsky, I mean the Stanley Cup is absolutely fantastic and all, but you just can't treat people like that, pisses me off to this day.

I get that Isles fans are upset, but seeing as how Visnovsky first acknowledged that if Islanders forced it he would return to NA, then said he could stay, what other explanation is there other than it was indicated to him that the Islanders had given permission? Perhaps there was a miscommunication, but I see no other logical explanation...

Vis really doesn't want to play for the Islanders... Don't forget it was Visnovsky that tried to claim he had an active NTC right after the trade to New York happened. That was pre-lockout, pre-KHL contract, pre-everything. Visnovsky just plain doesn't want to play in New York for some reason...
Vis really doesn't want to play for the Islanders... Don't forget it was Visnovsky that tried to claim he had an active NTC right after the trade to New York happened. That was pre-lockout, pre-KHL contract, pre-everything. Visnovsky just plain doesn't want to play in New York for some reason...

I kinda feel bad for the guy. He is being a brat by not wanting to play for the Islanders but the guy is in the last few years of his career and all he has ever done is play for bottom feeding teams. The guy came to the NHL in his mid/late 20's and has played every season on a crap team. I'm sure when he got traded to the Isles after coming back to California, he was probably just said "screw it". I mean he could go there and be a good sport (again) and hope to get traded at the deadline but he probably just doesn't even want to bother with it at this point.


Registered User
Nov 29, 2005
Huntington Beach, CA
Except when they teamed up together to score the cup clinching goal... What makes you say they don't belong together?

I'd like to see:

Brown's better at left, but Gagne and Penner are natural lwers. Carter has contributed to a couple game winning goals with Penner or Brown.

The second line is a great two way threat, and the bottom 6 is solid

In fairness, that goal was the result of Carter coming on to replace a Brown linemate in a line change. Carter simply swooped in off the bench and one-timed that bad boy.....wasn't really a result of any Brown/Carter chemistry.


Reno Sucks!
Oct 14, 2008
San Pedro, CA
In fairness, that goal was the result of Carter coming on to replace a Brown linemate in a line change. Carter simply swooped in off the bench and one-timed that bad boy.....wasn't really a result of any Brown/Carter chemistry.

Might be referring to the 2nd goal on the major, where Brown curled into the slot, took the shot, and Carter got a piece of it. Just guessing because that was technically the Game winning goal.


Registered User
Jul 25, 2011
Philadelphia, PA
Is Carter a better player when he plays as a center?

His philosophy doesn't change, he' a shoot first player, which is why I always felt he'd be better at wing. I think the more he plays wing with Richards, who is a skilled playmaker , the better he'll be and in 82 games, he could put up 40+ goals.

As a center, If he is paired with a playmaking winger, it works better. In Philly at center, Carter tended to be the Allen Iverson of the NHL, he rarely passed.

I think Sutter has a few options here and he'll figure out the best fit. I'd keep Richards with Gagne, because they're great together. I think PEnner and Carter would make some noise, Playoff Penner had no problem going into the corner and getting the puck. WIlliams could play the other side, I think brown woiuld give the Richards line the muscle it needs.

And splitting up Carter and Richards still would force a choice for the opposition.


Regehr GOAT
Oct 30, 2009
Its crazy that during the entire lockout, i wasn't bothered about hockey, and didn't let the lack of it effect me at all.

Now that we know its back though, my god these days are going to drag until opening day


Registered User
Jun 13, 2007
No way. The Kings already have two top 6 centers.


Yes do not break up that 3rd line. I would put Richards with Brown and Williams and Carter with Gagne and Penner.


Registered User
Nov 4, 2005
This is starting to get crazy:

Kovalchuk talks. "Not in a hurry to get to America... Time will tell (if I stay in the KHL). Nothing is out of the question"


Regehr GOAT
Oct 30, 2009
Assuming that 3rd line maintains its play, what do you do when Kopitar comes back. Bump King down to the 4th line for 1 of Penner/Gagne, or put Penner/Gagne on the 4th?

Pretty sick position to be in as a coach/gm, that you just have too many quality players

Mr Los Angeles

Registered User
May 16, 2012
You gotta give Lokti a real shot. He's already asked for a trade. If he does well, maybe he sticks. It would at least up his trade value.
i do like Lokti but there is just no room on the front 2 lines for a center. he really should consider moving to a winger, if not, we should see what we can get for him


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