16 To Stanley*
This is so silly. So just because it happened to happen in one of these 3 games that means that Boyle being out is the reason for the collapse? That can't be a coincidence? If I put my money on 25 on the roulette, by your logic if I hit it on the 3rd try I have a higher chance of getting 25 than you do if it took you 100 tries. Maybe it just so happened that coincidentally it hit 25 within 3 tries for me and it took 100 tries for you.
This is silly but you're argument of picking out 3 games over the course of probably 170 that Boyle has been an integral part of protecting a lead in the third isn't? You're so biased its pathetic.
And yes, those other players were big parts of protecting leads. But lets not act like Boyle wasn't put out there at the end of nearly every 1 goal game we had last season. He was torts favorite and most trusted forward in those situations, hands down. But seeing your argument i think you only caught the 3 leads they blew and missed the other wins we had last year.