I know Burke has an affinity for his big boy D, especially Americans, but I think he would still go BPA. If he thinks it's Mac, it's Mac. I don't think he's gonna let a preference like that sway such an important decision.
What I mean is, if he has Jones as the best prospect, it's not because he's American, or his style of player, or because he likes the cut of his jib, it's because he thinks he's BPA, and nothing more. If you let a style preference or nationality dictate who you take 1st overall, your a terrible GM and wouldn't be working in the NHL for more then 20 mins, let alone over 20 years.
relegating Phaneuf to 'etc' seems like a huge mistake. He is and will be for a while, our #1D.
But that would be an awesome core to move forward with.