@Lindberg I wanted to address is that I disagree with your Food Deserts take that it is due to people in those communities stealing. Sure there is stealing occuring, but that happens everywhere. It also is directly tied to Systemic Racism, Low Income, Criminal Justice and a myriad of other problems that keep generations of people in communities that are less likely to have a Wholefoods, Trader Joes, Butcher Shop, Produce Stand, Salad Works/Panera then they are a McDonalds, Chinese Food, 7/11. It's not as black and white as your painting it to be at all. The system is designed to keep these people in those low income communities and no decent resteraunt is going to go to a place where they can't sell a $25 healthy well prepared dinner.
I agree with what you are saying about Big is Beautiful or Healthy or whatever, I agree it's not healthy and should not be presented as such. I just don't necessarily agree with several of the statements your making, blanket covering groups of people, or symptoms of the current state of the world. People are more stressed out, depressed, and have mental health issues then ever before, I know from experience...
Another thing that i forgot to mention in terms of genetics...you also have to consider that young people are growing up seeing this in generations of there families...they learn eating habits from parents, grandparents, siblings, friends in communities...it's almost not a choice when you are learning so young how to eat and develop these habits.