There are no metrics I'm aware of to back up your view. Baseball managers win if they have superior personnel. Never with even average personnel. Pointing to one game as proof of anything is absurd.
You can argue that organizations that pay more attention to stats are more successful, but managers just don't matter, unless they are inept.
Joe Torre is a perfect example of managers not mattering. With the Yankees, he won. Elsewhere, he was an utter failure.
Bochy wins three titles in 6 years. The other years, .500 was unlikely. Is he smarter some seasons than others?
With all of the *****ing by fans here of the NHL, at least we get consistent effort. Watching that Red Sox pitcher walk to 2nd base and not getting tossed by his manager is a disgrace. Yeah, I know that last part was irrelevant, but what a joke so many MLB players are.