NeelyDan eats corn the long way
Exactly.And it also has to be a big event, if not WM, then Summer Slam
Exactly.And it also has to be a big event, if not WM, then Summer Slam
Winning a four way gives him more legitimacy and makes whoever pins him look really strongIt's stupid for him to lose his title in a multi-man match.
News thread.rumours of seth needing a mri on his knee or leg online?
Do you have to? Is there any evidence that it’s hurting business?I'm a big fan of longer title runs... But you've gotta spread them a bit. You've got Roman holding a belt for 3 1/2 years, Seth's going to hold the other belt for nearly a year, (If not longer) and Gunther's going to hold his belt for nearly 2 years. That's three of the four big belts that haven't had any movement in a year. The fourth main belt is currently on Logan Paul, which is a great move from a promotional standpoint, but terrible when you consider he's rarely around and the other three belts aren't moving and haven't moved recently.
You can do long title reigns and still have a belt change every 3-4 months. It feels like they're trying to copy the UFC with their title runs, which doesn't really work (Outside Roman) because UFC champs will only fight 2-3 times a year. Seth's defended that belt probably 20+ times between PPV and TV.
As for Roman, unlike most, I actually don't have a problem with his long title reign. He's still drawing and his shit is still good. If anything, my problem is the constant booking that every single f***ing match he has to have help to win. The guy is 6' 3" 260+. He's bigger than most everybody in the main event scene besides Brock. There's zero reason he shouldn't be able to beat some of these guys clean.
The other issue is, I think it's too obvious that Cody is "The one". Roman's title reign is long enough at this point that, when he gets pinned clean for the belt, it should be an "Oh shit", almost like Brock pinning Taker, to a much smaller degree. If Cody walks into Mania and pins him, you're absolutely not getting that reaction. Everybody is expecting that.
Do you have to? Is there any evidence that it’s hurting business?
You’re not always trying to make people think the title will switch. You’re telling a story. Now business is different, but when Hogan had his 1484-day run, were people worried about matches with dudes who were never going to win?What, the longer title runs?
I think it's great for the legitimacy of the belts, but all of the long runs simultaneously has made it a bit of a slog to get through. Like, this entire year for Cody has basically just been doing random bullshit because he's on hold while he gets back to Roman. Gunther's run could very possibly be causing Gable to tread water if that's the plan instead of Brock. Rollins, honestly, should've been knocked off by both Nakamura and Drew, but is still holding his belt.
In the long run, it is changing the outlook of belts in that it's no longer "They put the title on this guy to try to give him credibility" and is now "The belt is credible because it's on the hottest act in the company", which is the way it should be. But I think that's kinda making week to week television a bit of a bore, too.
Not once since Wrestlemania have I believed that Roman or Gunther were dropping their belts. Rollins is damn close to the same status, although when they initially brought his back up, I thought they were planting the excuse for him to drop it and for him to get surgery. That kinda makes the builds to those title matches a bore when you know those guys aren't losing.
You’re not always trying to make people think the title will switch. You’re telling a story. Now business is different, but when Hogan had his 1484-day run, were people worried about matches with dudes who were never going to win?
I think the story of him trying to break that mark is way more interesting btw, it’s almost once in a lifetime.
Has there ever been one ????I like smart authority figures
Aldis is killing it, man.