The ego on you
"driving the bus" my man I'm not even convinced you know where the bus IS. The only thing you've said seemingly this season is "Nurse is overpaid for what he brings" which shows you've watched a hockey game in the last five years. You say more and worse about Bouchard on a day to day basis.
you harp on Bouchard... why exactly? Or is "i don't hate the player and want him to succeed" limited to guys with bloated contracts they haven't lived up to? Because for 3.9 million, Bouchard is one of the best contracts in the NHL.
I'll also point out that for all of Bouchard's supposed defensive struggles, he's been on for 7 5v5 goals against this month. Nurse has been on for 13, almost double that. Nurse also has the worst fancies of any regular Oiler D in January... so work that into your mix, too.