$$$$$$$*NICE*$$$$$$$ 69 in 79 $$$$$$$*NICE*$$$$$$$
They killed single player in this game IMO. Haven't played a single player game since I got my copy.AI
Actually fix the AI, and by fix the AI I actually mean fix it unlike their pathetic attempt this year
I like this game a lot, but seriously sometimes playing the high level AI is just not even fun. my AI is so dumb and useless, yet theirs is unbelievable. they will hit me 5 times in a matter of 3 seconds til im knocked off the puck. ill deke them and then when im on a breakaway somehow level me from behind and ill go flying
Or if i skate too close to their d they will literally just take the puck from me... not hit me, not lift my stick, not poke check, just literally take the puck... how come humans cant do this?
Also all of the AI clogs up in front of the net, including my own damn players, and I can never get a shot through... Allow for more customization of AI in game where I can tell my stupid ass players to get out of the way. This would help with EASHL or position locked modes too, when you are losing by a goal and your team is icing it on the PK with 30 seconds left.
its just bs...
CPU AI vs Human AI is hilariously unbalanced
If someone knows a way to replicate that CPU play style, I'd love to hear it.