Hubert is an odd one. Clearly had a great first half but fell out of favour with the Bombers in late August/early September and could never get back into the lineup consistently. I don't really have any idea why.
However it's not an uncommon thing for this Bomber staff. Examples that come to mind are WR Lucky Whitehead in 2019 and SLB Donald Rutledge Jr in 2022. Both were promising rookies who had great first halves of their rookie years who seemingly fell out of favour with Bombers management and could never get it back (much like Hubert). Of course with mixed results in future years, as Whitehead became a star in BC (however he was never becoming that here, he just wasn't a system fit) whereas Rutledge appeared to be out of football until he signed in Toronto last December.
Hubert was clearly a Goveia guy as one of Goveia's very first moves after becoming the Ti-Cats GM was to bring him in. We'll see how it goes for him. While I liked his game I still doubt he has the physical tools to become a star, but I think he'll be a decent rotational DE.