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Becher is a career AHLer.In 2 years most top prospects with Red Wings
Cat Larkin Raymond
Becher Danielson MBN
Buchelnikov Kasper Lombardi
Soderblom Rasmussen Berggren
? Seider
ASP Edvinsson
AlJo AnJo
Becher is a career AHLer.In 2 years most top prospects with Red Wings
Cat Larkin Raymond
Becher Danielson MBN
Buchelnikov Kasper Lombardi
Soderblom Rasmussen Berggren
? Seider
ASP Edvinsson
AlJo AnJo
Had very good last season and this one started with very serious injury. We don't know yet his potentialBecher is a career AHLer.
Meh, I don't think Buch is any less risky or less projectable than Lombardi. In both cases you are looking at undersized skilled players. I think Lombardi maybe skates a bit better and that Buch has show a stronger offensive IQ for a longer period.I think both have a big hill to climb in terms of showing they can hold up to NHL physicality.
Ammo has NHL level creativity IMO. His point production in the AHL does show some promise. Buch is a total wild card if you ask me, no telling what if anything the Wings will get from him.
Meh, I don't think Buch is any less risky or less projectable than Lombardi. In both cases you are looking at undersized skilled players. I think Lombardi maybe skates a bit better and that Buch has show a stronger offensive IQ for a longer period.
I like Lombardi a lot as a prospect, but have a hard time seeing him make this roster next year even if Buch stays in Europe. I think Mazur, MBN and Danielson all hit earlier. Mazur should be up tomorrow if we are being honest.