So, say a team gives up the GWG in OT in the finals. What do you want them to do, run over and celebrate with the other team, shouting "Good for you!"?
Are they not allowed to be disappointed that they didn't win it all? If you're not disappointed about not getting something, you either never expected to get it or never even wanted it. Imagine a player is mic'ed up for the finals, and literally two seconds after losing, he sighs and says "Oh, well!"
Nobody is saying that the silver medal means nothing. It's still an achievement. But it's absolutely reasonable for the players to be so dejected after losing the finals, even though they won the silver medal. It's like the old saying that it's easier to make a child cry if you give him something then take it away. The players are given a chance for one of the greatest achievements they can get, and something they've been aspiring toward for a long time, only to have it taken away from them.
Winning the silver medal still means that you just lost the biggest game of your life, and it's going to take any human being a while to get over that fact.