I’m not breaking any ground here, but I think at the end of the day all these names deserve the recognition. “Greatest Ranger Ever” can be super subjective depending on our age and who we watched growing up. Nostalgia is going to be a factor. I started following team sports in ‘89 and my personal Ranger fandom started with the 1991 Rangers. So, admittedly I never saw the Bathgates, Gilberts, and Parks of the world to really form an opinion to compare their play and achievements to modern day Ranger stars. Though, everything I’ve read about these players point to them being significant talents of their era. So, I can respect them being near the top and take personal accounts here on their play and dominance. Greatest ever really becomes one of those impossible lists that’s difficult to populate. (In baseball/Yankee terms, fans can debate until they’re blue in the face on Jeter, DiMaggio, Mantle, etc as “greatest”. There’s really no right or wrong answer)
With that said - in my personal range of fandom - two Rangers are 1A and 1B for me. Leetch and Lundqvist. Aside from their last season(s) of their careers, both are essentially Ranger lifers with similar top of the league game breaking talent who were marquee players for their respective squads. Both won individual accolades for their position. Both consistently at the top stats wise year in year out. One had the talent, intangibles and quiet leadership (and a stacked team’s help) to deliver a Cup. The other constantly put his teams on his back and came so close to winning despite offensively anemic teams. Singlehandedly (with Jagr’s help for a couple seasons) took the Rangers back into relevance. For me personally, these two are my votes.
I’ll pose this question I sometimes think about when comparing their careers. Let’s re-write history and imagine alternate realities for a second. In this alternate history, that 1994 NYR team is too gassed and banged up from the 7 game Devils series. The team ends up short and loses to Bure’s Canucks. Most of the dynasty Oilers vets jettison after the season and that 1994 team proves to be the last hurrah. Neil Smith’s gambles failed- no talent to compete moving forward. The dark ages soon follow. -On the flip side, say 2014’s NYR get enough offense from a healthy Zucc and automatic scoring machine Nash against the LA Kings. Rangers end up taking the series in 6 on Lundqvist’s timely saves and sheer will. Hank wins the Smythe. Sam gets to make THE call of the century. Rangers raise the Cup after 74 years. Ticker tape parade ensues. Fade to black…
Fast forward…Leetch and Lundqvist still have their same career numbers and individual trophies won come their respective retirements. Only, in this world 2014 is the Cup team. 1994 is the heartbreaking runners up. For you, is Lundqvist the greatest Ranger over Leetch? Or is Leetch still at the top?